Energy Market Operations
Energy Peak Analytics
Energy Peak Analytics

Demand Response Direct

Maximize your demand response earnings and reduce the number of hours for test activations as a direct market participant with the support of Workbench Energy.

If your organization can curtail more than one megawatt for demand response, our market operations team can help you earn more with less downtime.

Too many test activations?

As a direct market participant, you will be eligible to lessen your test activations to as little as 2 hours per year.

Is your DR obligation sized right?

With active bid management, we can identify opportunities that can lead to higher DR revenues without material changes to how you currently respond to DR events.

Keep more of your DR revenue!

Our flat fee and premium service ensure your organization earns more.
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Step 1: Learn if the opportunity is right for your organization

  • Speak with a Workbench Energy expert to understand if being a Direct Participant is the right approach for your organization.
  • No-cost assessment of DR availability and preliminary DR approach as a Direct Participant
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Step 2: Optimize and Participate in the Auction

  • No-cost preparation and participation in the DR auction with the full support of our expert team with a conditional commitment for administration services if DR auction result is successful.
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Step 3: On-Boarding and Start Earning more

  • Upon securing DR Obligation in the Auction, we implement enablement plans ahead of obligation windows, and onboard you to our market operations platform
  • Notification to your team of DR events, hands-off management of your availability in the energy market to maximize your revenues while ensuring compliance according to pre-agreed approach
  • Receive monthly payments directly from the IESO while we complete the settlements.

Experienced Energy Professionals

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Combined and straightforward gas operations

Our team has direct experience with the commercial operation of several gas-fired generation facilities, understanding contract dynamics and operating requirements. We analyze and settle NUG and CES-style contracts

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Energy storage dispatch

Our team helps with the technical, operational, and commercial requirements for energy storage systems that are grid-connected or embedded to reach commercial objectives while operating in compliance with market rules and contract obligations.

Market Operations

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