Power Market Dashboard
Power Market Dashboard
Power Market Dashboard

Power Market Dashboard

Ontario electricity market dashboard provides all the information you need to navigate the markets in one place, presented in an easy to use, customizable way with the unique ability to incorporate and display both public and private IESO reports data.

Information at your fingertips to understand, interpret and react to Ontario system conditions.

Chart Ontario Pricing Data
Generator Icon

Chart Ontario Pricing Data

View forecasted, real-time, and historical pricing data for energy and operating reserves, including constrained pricing relevant to your facility.

Chart Ontario Demand Data
Commercial Buildings

Chart Ontario Demand Data

View forecasted, real-time, and historical demand data. Option to overlay pre-dispatch schedules for your resources.

Customize Market Values Table
Custom Reporting

Customize Market Values Table

Customize your Market Values table with information that is most important to you including demand, pricing, shadow pricing, pre-dispatch schedules, supply mix, and much more. Set alerts that matter to you.

Additional Info Charts and Tables
Charts and Tables

Additional Info Charts and Tables

Select additional tables and charts to keep you informed including IESO Advisory Notices, Weather Charts, Forecast Error, and more.

Additional Reports
Custom Reporting

Additional Reports

Wide range or reports to view power data in detail including generation output, annual peaks, GA, HOEP, Supply Mix and more.

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