Introducing the Power Tools Podcast!
On the first episode, Workbench Energy’s Cam Carver and Aaron Lampe break down Global Adjustment (GA): how it came to be a major driver of innovation in Ontario, common misconceptions and where its going next. Topics include:
- GA’s history and current state
- Why GA fluctuates + the relationship between the Hourly Ontario Energy Price (HOEP) and GA
- From your home to the plant: how GA is applied
- The impact of government interventions during the pandemic
- Where is GA heading: how we see GA evolving and what that means for large power consumers
Thanks for checking out the Power Tools Podcast! Tune in to each episode to hear Workbench Energy (and the occasional guest), discuss all things Ontario energy, Global Adjustment, peak performance and more.
Watch, Listen or Download other episodes of Power Tools on YouTube, iTunes, or Spotify for free!