
Power Tools Podcast – Episode 3: Understanding Grid Emissions

Welcome back to the Power Tools Podcast!

On this episode, Workbench Energy’s Cam Carver and Elissa Williamson sit down with Tony Pringle of Quinn+Partners, a leading management consultancy specializing in sustainability, to discuss the carbon emissions resulting from consumed electricity and more.  Additional talking points include:

  • Understanding Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 Emissions
  • Why accurate measurement of emissions is important to meeting net-zero goals
  • Improving Scope 2 emissions reporting accuracy by using real-time grid emissions vs historical National Inventory Report emissions factors
  • How understanding real-time emissions from the electricity grid can support project decision-making

Thanks for checking out the Power Tools Podcast! Tune in to each episode to hear Workbench Energy (and the occasional guest), discuss all things Ontario energy, Global Adjustment, peak performance and more.


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